Saturday, November 22, 2008

I'm back!

Dear bloggie,

I miss u very much as I never seen u for many days. I can't go online in Europe as it is damn expensive(2 pounds for 20 minutes)=(RM15.60 for 20 minutes). I've been to eight countries( that's too bad as I thought going to all the EU countries) and I'm not going to name them as I scare you would fall asleep after I told you. I've got 7A ! I deserve going to Europe after all. Just tell that I'm going to Chong Hwa Independent High School not Sekyen 3 with Leonh Huoy Yng! So don't go to that school to search for me, and wish you all happy holiday!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Bye Bye my friends...

Goodbye my love...我的朋友再见。。。today is my last day in school...I cry leh...because tomorrow I will be going to Europe. I will miss my best friends Leong Huoy Yng, Sui Cheng, Pui Kei, Leong Wen San, Zhun Yee, Charis, Sophia ..(and many more) very much. Sob...I'll buy souvenirs for my friends. I wish all my beloved friends a happy holiday!!
Bye bye!!