Thursday, November 19, 2009


Its raining heavily here, really heavy as I can see some trees behind my house tumbling down. Bur its cold here..and misty.

Just went on webcam with hwee ting aka potato. She was so funny with the voice effects. We both can't stop laughing..hahaha!! The sound was so digusting that we burst into laughters and could stop..*still laughing.

Anyway, I'm obessed to IMVU. Everything there were like shouting: "Cool". You can do anthing there and be all you want without getting into jail. I love the outfits especially. They're sweet. Hope you guys can join the game, you'll regret if you don't.

Notes: Tommorow is Potato's BBQ. I must prepare swimming suits, money for titbits, books I want return to CH, and umbrella(rainy). Please don't let it rain Lord, please. BBQ is off with water. Charcoals won't burn..><

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