Friday, December 4, 2009

Some random pics, my life, its too misreable.

Throwing my old file away. Down you go!

New books for Sri Kl, they're pretty.

Another book. This is going to drown me in boredom.

Cooking some instant noodles. My parents are too busy to think about cooking these days..

Termite infested trees that made me want to puke.
These are some indgridients to make organic pasta.
Some pasta sauce, flavour:portabello mushroom

Pasta of Eden Oraganics


Eggs, my life


Pasta served! I cook myself!! ><>
Maybe someday I'm going to be a serious blogger. I am seriously boring and a 'down-to-earth' victim of boredom. Tweeting all the day is cool.


❥_ qiings . said...

zz you .
twilight ><

My life said...

haha, I really love twilight marr..<3